Saturday, March 01, 2008

Oh me, oh my

Things are humming along here again (and like never before).

Snow is melting fast; spring's around the corner.

Spent three hours cleaning out the garage today (jealous?), due mainly to the discovery that the bag of grass seed I was hoping to plant this spring was the best cache for wintering mice in the history of suburban vermin.

After removing an unimaginable amount of seed and, um, waste, I hauled a box with a half-open top to the drive with not a little bit of suspicion. When it hit ground I found myself locking with the glossy black eyes of a field mouse.

Taking no chances, I kicked the box over, sending at least six mice scurring everywhere in my driveway... finding cover under the wheels of the car or the deck, only to decide seconds later that these locations were inadequate compared to the mouth-shredded saxophone etudes that had kept them warm and dry for months.

Mice running everywhere.

This went on for some time.

I just stood at the maw of my garage, hands out like a madman, trying to prevent them from going back inside.

I'm sure they're in the garage now.

But I kept them out until they had all disappeared around the house. And I finished cleaning up the garage without a visit.

Anyway... Time to go watch Wilco on SNL.

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